Welp, that’s it for now, fellas. No more Brad N’ Josh’s. Boo-hoo! That is to say, of course if Brad doesn’t have scans of the missing strips… Brad? I remember that one of these ‘Friendship Of The Ring’ strip was printed twice in a row. That’s a pretty big bummer when a strip is monthly. …
Author Archives: Josh Latta
Brad N’ Josh 2
Because YOU demanded it- More Brad N’ Josh strips! Don’t be fooled by the lack of glasses and the long hair-Josh is really me, your pal Josh. Brad and I couldn’t both have glasses in the strip. Who heard of two characters with glasses in one comic? As for the hair…
Brad N’ Josh
Let’s travel back to the year 2001, shall we? A Young Brad McGinty and a slightly older Josh Latta were doing a comic that could have changed the world, but the strip was cut tragically too soon thanks to 9/11. Even thought it was really 2002. Brad and his ol’ pal me did a comic …
Anxiety, Sleep Problems And Depression
Wow, I’m really diggin’ up the old chestnuts here! What we have here are a few choice pages of Anxiety Sleep Problems & Depression. This is your hero Rashy Rabbit’s very first appearance. I think that the first panel was actually the first drawing of Rashy, ever. Huh,how about that. Embarrassing as it may be, …
The Shaved Iceman Cometh
Here’s another oldie but goody. Well, it’s older. I present to you, dear sweet reader, The Shaved Iceman Cometh: Yes sir, that was a load of laffs! Wait, you didn’t laugh? Join the club! This comic went over with a thud. I was actually experimented a bit, y’see this comic was 100% improvised with just …
Frankenstein’s Girlfriend
In the interest of blogging more on the new and improved Lattaland site- Quantity over quality I always say! I post the following: “Frankenstein’s Girlfriend” This comic proves once and for all that I am a small and petty man. I don’t wanna embarrass my wife and/or myself so I won’t go into the impetus …
Rashy Rabbit on The Comic Book Haters VIDEOCAST
Dear Diary, How are you? I am fine. Actually, I’m more than just fine. I ‘m doing great. For you see, The Comic Book Haters didn’t hate Rashy Rabbit 4! In fact, they LOVED your pal Rashy and your other pal ME! Anyway, check ya soon- CBH Indie Video Spotlight #1: Rashy Rabbit #4 from …
Continue reading “Rashy Rabbit on The Comic Book Haters VIDEOCAST”
A new review for an old comic
(click on image to read this very nice review) Well, whadda know? Rashy Rabbit #3 was in last months’ (May 2008 for those keeping up)Comic Buyer Guide. It seems as if it was “Indie Comic Of The Month.” Why didn’t anybody tell me? Oh, and for the record, Morie is a dog!
Brad McGinty and Josh Latta on Dollar Bin
Wanna hear the sweet nasally drone coming out of our pie-holes? We talk about things and stuff! http://www.thedollarbin.net/ Do I really sound like that? *update* Uh-oh. This interview was too saucy for the internet. It had to be taken down. You snooze you lose!
So, like, what’s up CUTE GIRL DEMOGRAPHICS?