Josh Latta: Social Media Queen

My pal and incredible cartoonist, Hunter Jin Clark asked me a few questions a while back about the importance of having an internet presence to build/promote a career in comics. While I’m a professional floor mopper slash glory hole attendant I thought I’d take a stab at his questions anyway. Here’s the interview in full, dig it, suckers. …

Lattaland’s Best Of 2012: Forces Of Geek

Josh Latta @joshlatta | Best Movies: Killing Them Softly: What a crying shame this movie went over with a thud. From the jarring opening sequence to the hilarious last line. This movie was like heroin to me; totally awesome.  Marley: Look, I’m not really a Bob Marley fan, but one cannot deny he lived quite an interesting life. …

Bibliodiscoteque Episode 30 Josh Latta’s Rashy Rabbit

Several months ago, Erik Carlson  reviewed Josh Latta’s comic Rashy Rabbit and had this to say… Rashy Rabbit is a weed smokin’, rump humpin’, raunchy rabbit who proves how a work can showcase its influences without getting mired in mimicry. Latta creates a book which, upon first inspection, looks like an old Scholastic reader: The anthropomorphic …