Peter Landau on That’s a Horrible Thing to Say, Josh Latta!

It is with a heavy heart and an irritable bowel that I put down cartoonist Josh Latta’s new collection, THAT’S A HORRIBLE THING TO SAY, JOSH LATTA! It is bad enough that he name-checks himself in the very title of his book, but that he then goes forth to fill it with pages of his …

FIRST REVIEW of That’s A Horrible Thing To Do, Josh Latta by Pete Clamiston

whein i wuz a yung persan in the sevinteys theare were maney offensieve comiecs avalibel in heade shoppes an shoppieng mahlls an pretey musch evreywheare in the pubic markitplaice bro thease digsustieng comiecs presentid the yung mans wieth matsrubatieon materieals whiele aslo teaschieng heim to disprispect pretey musch evreytheing thatis valuibel thease reprihensible comiecs foarced …

Lattaland’s Best Of 2012: Forces Of Geek

Josh Latta @joshlatta | Best Movies: Killing Them Softly: What a crying shame this movie went over with a thud. From the jarring opening sequence to the hilarious last line. This movie was like heroin to me; totally awesome.  Marley: Look, I’m not really a Bob Marley fan, but one cannot deny he lived quite an interesting life. …

Disney UDF Mickey Mouse Plane Crazy The Review

Disney UDF Series 02 – Mickey Mouse – Plane Crazy Y’know, after seeing the mouse head representing a big, evil corporation all of our lives, it’s easy to lose sight of Mickey Mouse’s appeal. I have been reading those Fantagraphics Floyd Gotterson reprints and seeing that stuff makes you totally get why Mickey took depression …